Saturday, March 31, 2012

Postcard 48- Germany

Received 2 March 2012 from Germany.  A free ad card for an exhibition.  One of  my likes in my postcrossing profile is anime, so I do get some interesting cards.  Astro Boy is well known around the world it seems.  Postcard id: DE-1246591
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Day 82- At the movies

22 March 2012- We went to the Hunger Games on the first night.  Unfortunately, while I managed a few prepatory shots, there were ushers patrolling for bootlegger recorders (with phones!?) so I didnt actually take a picture of the movie.
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Day 81- In the community

21 March 2012- I went to get lunch at a burger chain called Grill'd - one of their community things is this concept- every burger ordered is given a bottle cap, and customers put the cap into one of three bottles representing a local community organisation or focus, the bottle with the most caps at the end of the month receives funds.
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Day 80- Fail

20 March 2012- I forgot to take a photo on this day, so here is a photo from a few years ago.  This is taken at one of the 7 beaches of Iwaki city, which is in Fukushima prefecture.  Two names that were pretty much unknown outside Japan at the time I lived there, and which are all too famous now.  Iwaki had several good surfing spots, including this beach.  I don't know how much they are used now.
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Postcard 47- South Africa

Received 28 February 2012 from South Africa, this card is the Soweto museum, which commemorates riots that eventually led to the end of apartheid.  postcard is : ZA-22047
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Postcard 46- Belarus

This card was received 23 February 2012 from Belarus, a picture of a cinema.  It took 102 days to get to me, which is quite a while. Postcard id: BY-282037
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Postcard 45- Lithuania

Received 23 February 2012 from Lithuania.  Gorgeous dyed easter eggs, in traditional patterns. Postcard id:LT-187229
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Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 79- Progress

19 March 2012- Progress on the tags.
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Day 78- homemade bread

18 March 2012- We are getting better at it.  The breadmaker does the mixing, and  we pull it out, put it in the pan and let it rise again, then bake in an oven.  The oven baking does get a necer crust and avoids the issue of the kneading part getting thrown away in old loaves of bread.
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Day 77- The current project

17 March 2012- The current cross stitch project- a cover kit of gift tags.  very fiddly as the fabric squares are quite small.
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Day 76- guest photographer

16 March 2012- I did take pictures this day, but when I went to my dad's for a birthday dinner, I handed off my phone/camera to my little brother (6 1/2) and he took this one.
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Day 75- computer

15 March 2012- Greg working on one of the computers- in the process of being rebuilt
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Day 74 ?

14 March 2012- the best of a bad bunch of photos, one of my japanese glasses.
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Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 73- The piggy bank

13 March 2012- We don't use this little guy to save any more, he just stands next to the big money bucket instead.
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Day 72- Work in Progress

12 March 2012- I started these little Christmas designs on the trip to Japan, but despite being simple, it's taking me a long time to finish.  Each design only takes about two hours to finish, but they are so small, my hands cramp while doing them.
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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 71- Slippers

11 March 2012- New slippers from Japan.  Wooden floors are not great for my feet, these really help
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Postcard 44- Slovakia

Received 23 February 2012 from Slovakia this is a picture of an area in Poland.  Interesting, avery long, very narrow stretch, and the water on each side looks very different. Postcard id: SK-17727
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Postcard 43- USA

Received 23 February 2012 from the USA, an illustration for a Japanese traditional tale.  Very pretty.  Postcard id: US-1531824 
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Postcard 42- Finland

Received 23 February 2012 as part of the January alternative round robin..  I do already have a copy of this Inge Look card- so now I have one for home and one for work!  Sender id:MaHako
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Day 70- In the garden

10 March 2012- We went and picked up a few basil plants, and some tomato plants.  Looking at these pictures ten days later, it's amazing how much these plants have grown, despite grasshopper predations.Guess all that rain is good for something!
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Day 69- Tattooed feet?

9 March 2012- Greg decided to decorate my feet.
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Day 68- fashion choices

8 March 2012- Blue and white striped shirt and a red tie with white flowers
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Postcard 41- France and Portugal

Received 23 February 2012.  The card is of a castle in Portugal, but the sender is from France.  very interesting castle. postcard id:FR-189888
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Postcard 40- Finland

Received 17 February 2012 from Finland. A lovely illustration by Minna Immonen. postcard id: FI-1324162 
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Day 67- shopping carts

7 March 2012- Or are they shopping trolleys?
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